Free Online Video Game Shakes and Fidget

Shakes and Fidget, Free Online Video Game 

Focused on creating compelling original IP games such as the FLAT KINGDOM, LOBO WITH SHOTGUNS, GENKI SURFERS, GHOST APOCALYPSE AND TWIN FLAMES, we are a multidisciplinary team with a passion for detail above the expectations. We create memorable gameplay experiences both accessible and fun.

Digital agencies, publishers, brands, or entertainment media trust us as a strategic partner to help them to make multimedia projects to interact in new, meaningful, and innovative ways with their costumers.

In 1 Simple Idea, we build awesome digital experiences.
We are specialist in digital communication, we strengthen brand presence, its participation, and impact thru the creation of strategies and interactive products that engages, inspire, and generates results.
Our purpose is to spark innovation by developing inspiring and effective communication strategies and products for every client and market.

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